Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Proof is in the (Dark Chocolate) Pudding!

According to this article on, new research at the Faculty of Life Sciences (LIFE) at the University of Copenhagen reveals that dark chocolate is indeed more satisfying and filling than milk chocolate. Read about the research; sounds like a tasty experiment!

"....To compare the effects of dark and milk chocolate on both appetite and subsequent calorie intake, 16 young and healthy men of normal weight who all liked both dark and milk chocolate took part in a so-called crossover experiment. This meant that they reported for two separate sessions, the first time testing the dark chocolate, and the second time the milk chocolate...."

"...They had all fasted for 12 hours beforehand and were offered 100g of chocolate, which they consumed in the course of 15 minutes. The calorific content was virtually the same for the milk and dark chocolate.
During the following 5 hours, participants were asked to register their appetite every half hour, i.e. their hunger, satiety, craving for special foods and how they liked the chocolate."

What were the results? Very interesting indeed - read the rest of the article here.

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