Monday, August 24, 2009

For The Kids - Bring on the Calcium (and more Chocolate Pudding!) .

Most kids may not have the taste for gourmet, dark chocolate truffles, but the do need their calcium!

From the lovely food blog, Food Blogga comes this delicously informative take on the amount of calcium that children need...and a great chocolate recipe to boot!

Here's more:

"...Here are some facts about kids, calcium, and bone health:

* Unfortunately, bone fractures are on the rise in children. Researchers believe this may be the result of decreased bone mass and reduced physical activity among today's children.

* Drinking less milk and more soda is a potentially dangerous combination for children's bones. By not drinking milk, children's bones are not absorbing the calcium necessary to build bone. Then by drinking soda, they are stripping their bones of calcium.

* Starting at age 9, kids need almost twice as much calcium as they did previously! That's because teens' and tweens' bones are growing the fastest.

* Fewer than 10% of girls and only 25% boys ages 9 to 13 are at or above their adequate intake of calcium. This lack of calcium can have a negative impact on both bones and teeth as these adolescents enter adulthood.

* 90% of adult bone mass is acquired in girls by age 18 and by 20 in boys."

What can you do about it? Read more here about what you can do to boost your kids' calcium - plus scoop us a fabuous recipe (great to use with your Dark Intentional Chocolate Pistoles). Enjoy the read!

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