What luscious news for those of us looking to boost brain power! According to this intriguing article on ScienceDaily.com, "eating chocolate could help to sharpen up the mind and give a short-term boost to cognitive skills".
Here's more about the study led by Professor Ian Macdonald at The University of Nottingham:
"...Increased blood flow to these areas of the brain may help to increase performance in specific tasks and boost general alertness over a short period.
The findings, unveiled at one of the biggest scientific conferences in America, also raise the prospect of ingredients in chocolate being used to treat vascular impairment, including dementia and strokes, and thus for maintaining cardiovascular health.
The study also suggests that the cocoa flavanols found in chocolate could be useful in enhancing brain function for people fighting fatigue, sleep deprivation, and even the effects of ageing."
We feel smarter already! Read more about yet another wonderful benefit of enjoying a bit of dark chocolate here.
Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites