Monday, May 11, 2009

Chocolate - Can It Help Cure ADHD?

Just when you thought there couldn't possibly be more benefits to moderate consumption of dark chocolate, here's yet another string that this amazing "superfood" may have added to its bow - the ability to help cure ADHD! Here's more from an article by Christine Cadena on

"In behavioral therapy, ADHD children are taught to complete goals through the establishment of mini-goals and then focusing on the smaller tasks in an effort to achieve the final desired outcome.
With this in mind, research has recently shown the sensory neurotransmitter, phenylethylamine, increases mental activity and promotes focus. In children with ADHD, this naturally based neurotransmitter is usually deficient and is desperately needed in the treatment of the ADHD symptoms such as improving focus and concentration.
So, oddly enough, where is phenylethylamine, PEA, found? Chocolate. In prior years, scientists had found the PEA presence in chocolate was responsible for short term mood enhancement and focus. In drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall, it is commonly known that the ADHD patient’s ability to concentrate is significantly improved. What is not known is that both Ritalin and Adderall contain PEA and may offer significant improvement for individuals suffering from ADHD and show signs of deficient PEA naturally. By consuming the prescription medications, the ability to focus and concentrate is improved thus research is now focusing on the PEA contribution that may be found in a piece of chocolate..."

Read the rest of the article here!


  1. Very interesting. I may have to pick up some dark chocolate for my dd and see if it helps. .. .

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  3. Really a great write up. I'll be passing it along on twitter and facebook.

    Because I'm adhd, I launched vavalert usa, which is a supplement that contains cocoa and green tea extracts so you get the benefits of cocoa without the sugar and fat associated usually with darker chocolates. I hope it helps others like me with adhd related challenges!

    Thanks again!


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