Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dark Chocolate - Indulge for Good Health!

Reap the benefits of delicious dark chocolate!

From Health Magazine, here is a wonderful article about the mood boosting, heart helping benefits of chocolate! Here's a bit more, from

Heart helper
".. A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that people who ate dark chocolate had less of a protein that indicates inflammation, which can lead to a heart attack....

Mood Buster
There’s a good reason we crave chocolate when we’re down. Its tryptophan ups mood-lifting serotonin in the brain, says Leah Sherman, a naturopathic physician in Portland, Oregon. One study found that even the taste, texture, and smell make us happy."

Find out about more delicious benefits that dark chocolate has to offer here on!


  1. Who wants not lead a healthier life? Obviously everyone. Most important part of our healthier living is healthy food. I think naturals are always better than other. So, I like to be stick with any type of natural food not only milk. I believe the most important part of our healthier living is healthier food.
    Our Healthier Living

  2. The chocolate is my favorite dessert, this dark chocolate is very delicious, i could eat it all day but i do not get fat...

  3. Hello, I found your blog from search engine. And I found one thing also that google is also very accurate in result...I found exactly what I was looking for...Have a nice day.

  4. Dark chocolate contains a large number of antioxidants (nearly 8 times the number found in strawberries).

  5. This is good because I've heard that dark chocolates have different properties which help us to combat different illnesses that's really interesting because while we eating something delicious we can get excellent benefits.m10m


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